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(2023-09-26) orignal 1
(2023-07-19) prendre 1
(2023-07-19) prise 2.1
(2023-07-19) prise 2.2
(2023-07-16) dérangement 1
(2023-07-09) consommation 3
(2023-07-08) litière 1
(2023-07-07) hibernation 1
(2023-07-07) hiberner 1
(2023-07-07) résidence 1b
(2024-04-04) longline 1.1
(2024-04-04) landings 1
(2024-01-24) landing 1
(2024-01-24) fishery 1.2
(2024-01-23) longline 1.2
(2024-01-23) bycatch 1.1
(2024-01-23) bycatch 1.2
(2024-01-23) land 3
(2024-01-23) stock 1
(2024-01-19) catch 1
(2018-07-30) sequía 1
(2018-07-30) variabilidad 1
(2018-07-25) taiga 1
(2018-07-23) volcán 1
(2018-07-23) tundra 1
(2018-07-23) reciclar 1
(2018-07-19) criosfera 1
(2018-07-19) permafrost 1
(2018-07-19) vegetal 1
(2018-07-17) global 1
(2024-04-22) fungicida 1
(2024-04-15) contaminare 1
(2020-12-02) erbicida 1
(2020-11-11) fertilizzante 1
(2020-11-11) insetticida 1
(2020-11-11) bonifica 1
(2020-11-11) pesticida 1
(2020-11-11) contaminazione 1
(2020-06-26) inquinare 1a
(2020-06-26) inquinare 1b
(2024-02-15) poluidor 2
(2024-02-14) poluidor 1
(2023-12-28) poluente 2
(2023-12-28) poluição 1.2
(2023-12-27) poluição 1b.1
(2023-12-26) poluir 1b
(2023-12-22) clima 1
(2023-12-15) diminuição 1
(2023-12-14) diminuir 1
(2023-11-08) climático 1
(2021-09-03) 估计 1 (estimate)
(2021-06-16) 评估 1 (assess)
(2021-06-12) 预测 1b (predict)
(2021-06-12) 预测 1a (predict)
(2021-06-06) 预估 1b (predict)
(2021-06-06) 预估 1a (predict)
(2021-06-03) 减缓 1a (slow down)
(2020-06-08) 洪水 1 (flood)
(2020-05-27) 多样性 1 (diversity)
(2020-05-25) 生物多样性 1 (biodiversity)
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