image DiCoInfo

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type 1 , vt (↔ fr: taper
type: user
~ character string
with keyboard

The second method of retrieving a new page is to click on the icon in the menu bar at the top of the Netscape window entitled "Open URL". This will present you with a box in which you can type a web address .
en WEB2
Run - Starts a program when you type an MS-DOS command .
[ ]
That means that you must type the upper and lower case characters exactly as they appear in the program .
The second method of retrieving a new page is to click on the icon in the menu bar at the top of the Netscape window entitled "Open URL". This will present you with a box in which Location you Agent can type a web address Patient . [ WEB2 0 JP 12/03/2009]
Run - Starts a program when you Agent type an MS-DOS command Patient . [ WINDOWS 98 0 JP 12/03/2009]
That means that you Agent must type the upper and lower case characters Patient exactly as they appear in the program Manner . [ JAVA 0 JP 12/03/2009]
First open the Linux Console which is found on the Panel at the bottom of your screen generally shown by an icon that looks like TV switched off with a black screen. The following commands Patient are to be typed in the console Location , pressing enter after you have entered the full command Method . [ TRIVEDI 0 JP MCLH 30/06/2014]
A quick method of finding the relevant words is to type Ctrl-F Patient to search for the text in the current document Purpose . [ SINKSWIM 0 JP MCLH 12/03/2009]
"General purpose" means that you can do many different things with a PC. You Agent can use it to type documents Patient , send e-mail, browse the Web and play games. [ PCWORK 0 JP MCLH 12/03/2009]
Chat - A program that lets you "talk" to your friends in real time over the Internet, in any location of the world. Most often you Agent type back and forth Manner , although some programs let you use your voice. [ COMPBEGIN 0 JP 12/03/2009]
A variation of chat is the phenomenon of instant messenging. With instant messenging, a user on the Web Agent can contact another user currently logged in and type a conversation Patient . [ ALBANY 0 JP 12/03/2009]
Simply Manner type a name like "" Patient into the command line Location , and the command will query the name servers and deliver the corresponding IP address to you. [HOW WEB SERVERS WORK 0 JP 12/03/2009]
The command used to return the contents of a directory is call "ls". You Agent can type "ls" Patient at the command line Location all by itself, or with any one of it's many modifiers. [ INTERNET 0 JP 12/03/2009]
Normally since you are posting in your favorite Newsgroup, you already have your Newsreader open and it has given the Newsgroup authoring module the name of the Newsgroup you want to post in. There will be no need to type it Patient into this field Location . [ INTERNET 0 JP 12/03/2009]
The knack is to be succinct. Don't type a long-winded explanation Patient , just enter 'Office 2003 crash print'. From these keywords, the Web site will generate a list of scenarios. [WHY PCs CRASH 0 JP 12/03/2009]
You Agent open up a word processing program and type a letter Patient , save it and then print it out. Several components work together to make this happen: The keyboard and mouse send your input to the operating system. [ PCWORK 0 JP 12/03/2009]
Enter this code and run it. It waits for input from stdin, so type a few lines Patient . [ PROGC 0 JP 12/03/2009]
You know PAP as a protocol that lets you store your username and password in the dialog box so you Agent don't have to type it Patient during each login Time . [SECURITY OVERVIEW 0 JP 12/03/2009]
In general, you should use relative links whenever possible because: it's easier to move a group of documents to another location (because the relative path names will still be valid) it's more efficient connecting to the server there is less Patient to type. [ HTML 0 JP MCLH 12/03/2009]
In fact, some users report that once they're comfortable with discrete speech, they can dictate faster than they Agent can type. [ABOUT UNIFIED MESSAGING 0 JP 12/03/2009]
Don't bend your wrists up or down. And make sure you can reach the upper keys without shifting your body. You Agent should type with a deft, light touch Manner . [ABOUT UNIFIED MESSAGING 0 JP MCLH 12/03/2009]
SHIFT KEY - Use the shift keys Instrument to type capital letters Patient and to type the upper character on keys with two characters on them [ INTROCOMP 0 JP 12/03/2009]
Subject (NP) (9)
Indirect link (NP) (2)
you (9)
they{some users}
Object (NP) (12)
Indirect link (NP) (2)
Object (Pro) (2)
command (2)
letter (2)
it{the name of the newsgroup you want to post in}
it{your username}{password}
Indirect link (NP)
Complement (PP -in) (2)
Complement (PP -into) (2)
Complement (PP -at)
line (2)
which{a box}
Modifier (AdvP) (2)
Modifier (Clause)
Complement (PP -with)
exactly as they appear in the program
back and forth
Complement (VP)
pressing enter after you have entered the full command
Complement (PP -to)
search for the text in the current document
Complement (PP -during)
Noun with related meaning keystroke
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