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delete 1 , vt (↔ es: eliminar
, fr: supprimer
delete: user
~ s character
, file
from storage device Source , text Source

delete: user
~ s character
, file
from storage device Source , text Source
Windows are used to: share common attributes through out the entire system contain menus for File, Edit, View and Help which change depending on the task File open, rename, delete or change properties of files and folders
[ ]
If you receive an email from someone you don't know that has an attached file DO NOT OPEN THE FILE , delete it immediately .
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Delete the currently selected email(s) from the currently selected folder .
[ ]
Windows are used to: share common attributes through out the entire system contain menus for File, Edit, View and Help which change depending on the task File Patient open, rename, delete or change properties of files and folders [ INTROCOMP 0 JP 21/08/2009]
If you receive an email from someone you don't know that has an attached file DO NOT OPEN THE FILE, delete it Patient immediately Time . [ COMPBEGIN 0 JP 21/08/2009]
Delete the currently selected email(s) Patient from the currently selected folder Source . [ INTERNET 0 JP 21/08/2009]
DELE - delete a message Patient , pass it a message number [ EMAIL 0 JP 21/08/2009]
Click on any of those and they will activate (as long as they still exist on the machine....a floppy drive file may no longer be in the drive or the file Patient may have been deleted from the hard drive Source ). [ INTROWIN 0 JP 21/08/2009]
Delete the email Patient , do not forward it to your friends and do not respond to the email address provided. [ INTERNET 0 JP 21/08/2009]
Generally, it Agent will then delete the messages Patient from the server Source (unless you've told the e-mail client not to). [ EMAIL 0 JP 21/08/2009]
You Agent can then delete the original folder in the first level Patient by right clicking and selecting delete Method . [ COMPBEGIN 0 JP 21/08/2009]
During the install of Linux, use the Linux disk tool (usually Disk Druid/Disk Drake) Instrument to delete this partition (hda7) Patient , and use this space to lay down the Linux file system. [LIINUX2 0 JP 21/08/2009]
If in doubt, you Agent should delete any messages you think might be from illegitimate sources Patient . [KEEP YOU DATA SAFE 0 JP 21/08/2009]
If you Agent try to delete the folder Patient , Windows will warn you of this and cancel your action. [ MYDOCUMENTS 0 JP 21/08/2009]
You Agent can go here to delete cookies, temporary internet files and history files Patient . [ COMPBEGIN 0 JP 21/08/2009]
Files and Folders Patient can be deleted by selecting the file(s) or folder(s) and pressing the delete key or by dragging the item(s) to the recycle bin Method . [ HPEDSB 0 JP MCLH 21/08/2009]
This happens because there is a hidden 'delete child' permission that is part of the FULL CONTROL permission that allows a user Agent to delete a file Patient even if the user does not have delete permission on the file Condition . [ NTCONFIG 0 JP 21/08/2009]
Also if there are other entries in the box like Fax or something else you probably won't use then you Agent can delete those shortcuts Patient by going to C:\Windows\Send To and deleting those items Method . [ INTROWIN 0 JP MCLH 21/08/2009]
In Internet Explorer 4 Windows, the cache is referred to as "Temporary Internet Files" and you Agent can delete these files Patient by going to the General section of the "Internet Options" dialog in the View menu Method . [ ABOUTTHEWEB 0 JP 21/08/2009]
If you are a member of one of these schemes, delete the relevant link page Patient and ask to be removed from the others. [ PANDIA 0 JP 21/08/2009]
When changing the properties for files and directories, you can also audit various events such as read, write, execute, delete , change permission, and taking ownership. [ NTCONFIG 0 JP 21/08/2009]
To delete a Favorite Patient , simply right click on the item and choose Delete. Or, you can choose Organize Favorites select the desired item, and click on the Delete button. [ ALBANY6 0 JP 21/08/2009]
Object (NP) (14)
Subject (NP) (2)
Indirect link (NP)
Object (Pro)
file (4)
message (3)
email (2)
folder (2)
it{the file}
cookie file file
file folder
Complement (PP -from) (3)
hard drive
Subject (NP) (5)
Indirect link (NP) (3)
you (6)
Complement (AdvP)
Complement (PP -by) (4)
right clicking and selecting delete
selecting the file(s) or folder(s) and pressing the delete key dragging the item(s) to the recycle bin
going to c:\windows\send to and deleting those items
going to the general section of the "internet options" dialog in the view menu
Indirect link (NP)
Complement (Clause)
even if the user does not have delete permission on the file
Noun deletion
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