Lexique scientifique transdisciplinaire


Résultats anglais
argument (nom)
Sens 1 : a reason given in proof or rebuttal. [source : MW]
Équivalent(s) : argument:1
Contextes :
  • The basic argument of the knowledge-is-power hypothesis is that domain knowledge is the primary determinant of success in cognitive endeavors, whereas ‘‘basic’’ cognitive abilities play a less important role.
  • Specifically I disagree with the argument that post-imperial changes in land tenure were responses to the demands of land hungry and disappropriated Bulgarophone Christians.
  • The form of the xi(r) must be obtained self-consistently by generalizing the argument used in Sec.
Sens 2 : discourse intended to persuade. [source : MW]
Contextes :
  • Their argument was well constructed, and in the end, proved successful.
  • Assuming for the moment that the reader accepts the general outlines of our argument thus far, s/he might still object that we are overstating the importance of global trade during these centuries.
  • To conclude the argument, we claim that _FORMULE_ is the supply curve according to Definition 1.
Sens 3 : the act or process of arguing: argumentation. [source : MW]
Contextes :
  • The next step in the argument is to compare the CM patterns produced by Hadza butchers with those found on bones at FLK Zinj.
  • Even assuming, for the purposes of argument, that all the episodes of destruction advanced by Freidel and Schuler are correctly interpreted as resulting from conflict, they are all focused on royal buildings or monuments-exactly how we would expect internal factional conflict to manifest itself.
  • With the proposed expansion of the single commission's activities to include human rights, the debate shifted from an argument about retaining separate commissions for race and disability to a discussion about whether to retain separate representational structures for these grounds within a single, over-arching commission.
Sens 4 : a coherent series of statements leading from a premise to a conclusion. [source : MW]
Contextes :
  • As a result, the plaintiff would receive an arbitrary amount contingent upon the timing of the closing of oral arguments.
  • An argument consists of one or more premises and a conclusion, such that the premises give support as to the truth or acceptability of the conclusion (Juthe, 2005).
  • Perhaps the most well known argument in this group is Huntington's clash of civilizations thesis (1993, 1996).