Lexique scientifique transdisciplinaire


Résultats anglais
as (prép)
Sens 1 : in the way that someone says or that something happens, or in the condition something is in. [source : LG]
Équivalent(s) : comme_adv:1
Sens 2 : in a manner similar to. [source : D'après AHD]
Équivalent(s) : comme_adv:2
Sens 3 : used for referring to what someone or something does or how they appear. [source : MAC]
Équivalent(s) : tant:4
as (conj)
Sens 1 : for the reason that; because. [source : AHD]
Équivalent(s) : tant:1, tant:3
ascertain (verbe)
Sens 1 : to discover (something) so that one is certain; to get to know. [source : D'après OAL]
Équivalent(s) : constater:1
aspect (nom)
Sens 1 : a particular part or feature of something being considered. [source : D'après OAL]
Équivalent(s) : aspect:1
Sens 2 : the appearance to the eye or mind. [source : D'après MW]
Équivalent(s) : aspect:2
assess (verbe)
Sens 1 : to determine the rate or amount of. [source : MWU]
Équivalent(s) : chiffrer:1, évaluer:1
Sens 2 : to analyze critically and judge definitively the nature, significance, status, or merit of : determine the importance, size, or value of [source : MWU]
Équivalent(s) : évaluer:1
assessment (nom)
Sens 1 : an evaluation, a judgment about something based on an understanding of the situation. [source : D'après ENC]
assimilate (verbe)
Sens 1 : to fully understand an idea or some information so that you are able to use it yourself. [source : OAAD]
Équivalent(s) : assimiler:1
Sens 2 : to absorb and integrate (people, ideas, or culture) into a wider society or culture. [source : D'après OD]
Équivalent(s) : assimiler:2
Sens 3 : to regard as similar; liken [source : D'après OD]
Équivalent(s) : assimiler:3, comparer:2
assist (verbe)
assistance (nom)
associate (nom)
associated (adj)
Sens 1 : connected with another person or event. [source : ENC]
Équivalent(s) : associé:1
association (nom)
Sens 1 : a mental connection between ideas. [source : OAAD]
Équivalent(s) : association:3
Sens 2 : a connection, a linking or joining of people or things. [source : D'après ENC]
Équivalent(s) : association:1, association:2
assume (verbe)
Sens 1 : to think or accept that something is true but without having proof of it. [source : OAAD]
Équivalent(s) : supposer:1, supposer:2
assumption (nom)
Sens 1 : the taking of anything for granted as the basis of argument or action. (take for granted: to assume as true, real, or expected. Assume: to take as granted or true: suppose) [source : OED Source inconnue]
Équivalent(s) : supposition:1
Sens 2 : that which is assumed or taken for granted; a supposition, postulate. [source : OED]
Équivalent(s) : hypothèse:2, supposition:1
base (nom)
Sens 1 : a fundamental principle, foundation, groundwork. [source : OX]
Équivalent(s) : base:1
Sens 2 : the lowest part of someting, especially the part or surface on which it rests or stands. [source : OAAD]
Équivalent(s) : base:2
Sens 3 : a main or important element or ingredient to which other things are added. [source : OD]
Équivalent(s) : base:3
Sens v : v [source : v]
Équivalent(s) : v
Sens 1 : to use something as the thing from which something else is developed. [source : LG]
Équivalent(s) : baser:1
Sens 2 : to place on (also upon) a foundation, fundamental principle, or underlying basis. [source : OED]
Équivalent(s) : reposer:1
basic (adj)
Sens 1 : forming a base or starting-point. [source : OAL]
Équivalent(s) : fondamental:1, base:4
Sens 2 : simplest or lowest in level. [source : OAL]
basically (adv)
basis (nom)
Sens 1 : the main constituent, fundamental ingredient. [source : OED]
Équivalent(s) : base:3
Sens 2 : that by or on which anything immaterial is supported or sustained; a foundation, support. [source : OED]
Équivalent(s) : base:1, fondement:1
Sens 3 : that on which anything is reared, constructed, or established, and by which its constitution or operation is determined; groundwork, footing. [source : OED]
Équivalent(s) : base:2
bias (nom)
Sens 1 : an opinion or a feeling that strongly favours one side in an argument or one item in a group or series; predisposition; prejudice. [source : D'après OAL]
Équivalent(s) : préjugé:1
case (nom)
Sens 1 : the object of investigation or consideration. [source : MW]