Activities Non classé

Doctoral Thesis Defence of Zhiwei Han

The OLST is pleased to announce the doctoral thesis defence of Zhiwei Han.

The title of the thesis is “Description du lexique spécialisé chinois pour locuteurs non sinophones : apport de Lexicologie explicative et combinatoire pour l’acquisition de compétences lexicales.”

The defence will be held December 19 2022 at 9:00 AM in Room C-9068 in the Lionel-Groulx building.

Members of the jury are François Lareau (President of the jury), Marie-Claude L’Homme (Supervisor), Chantal Gagnon (Jury Member), Pascale Elbaz (External Examiner) ISIT, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas (France), and a Dean’s representative (to be appointed).