
May 9 2016
Workshop Documents et ressources pour leur traitement : un couplage crucial
The OLST organized the workshop Documents et ressources pour leur traitement : un couplage crucial that took place during 84nd ACFAS Conference at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) (Organizers : Lyne Da Sylva et Patrick Drouin)

To access the program and abstracts, click here.

May 28 and 29 2015
Workshop Étude et traitement des lexiques à vocation particulière : regards croisés
The OLST organized the workshop Étude et traitement des lexiques à vocation particulière : regards croisés that took place during 83nd ACFAS Conference at Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR) (Organizers: Aline Francoeur and Marie-Claude L’homme)

To access the program and abstracts, click here.

May 14 – 15 2014
Workshop Étude de lexiques à vocation particulière
The OLST organized the workshop Étude de lexiques à vocation particulière : approches théoriques, méthodologiques, pédagogiques et multidisciplinaires that took place during 82nd ACFAS Conference at Concordia University (Organizers: Patrick Drouin and Lyne Da Sylva).

To access the program and abstracts, click here.

May 12 2014
Workshop Langues et technologies : la diversité qui nous réunit
A member of the OLST co-organized the workshop Langues et technologies : la diversité qui nous réunit that took place during the 82nd ACFAS Conference held at Concordia University (Organizers: Élizabeth Marshman, with Annemarie Taravella of Université de Sherbrooke and Debbie Folaron of Concordia University).

To access the program and abstracts, click here.

May 7 – 8 2013
Workshop Mouvements dans le lexique
Members of the OLST organized the workshop Mouvements dans le lexique that took place during the 81st ACFAS Conference held at Université Laval (Organizers: Aline Francoeur and Patrick Drouin).

To access the program and abstracts, click here.

May 7 2013
Workshop Secteur langagier et technologies : chercheurs, praticiens et gestionnaires se donnent rendez-vous
A member of the OLST co-organized the workshop Secteur langagier et technologies chercheurs, praticiens et gestionnaires se donnent rendez-vousthat took place during the 81st ACFAS Conference held at Université Laval (Organizers: Élizabeth Marshman, with Alain O. Villeneuve and Annemarie Taravella of Université de Sherbrooke, Marie-Josée Goulet of Université du Québec en Outaouais).

To access the program and abstracts, click here.

May 8 – 10 2012
Workshop Bibliothèques numériques : au carrefour des disciplines et des institutions
A member of the OLST co-organized the workshop Bibliothèques numériques : au carrefour des disciplines et des institutions within the 80th Congrès de l’ACFAS held at the Palais des congrès of Montréal (Organizers: Lyne Da Sylva and Audrey Laplante of Université de Montréal)

To access the program and abstracts, click here.

May 9 2011
Workshop Textos : dimensions culturelles, linguistiques et pragmatiques
A member of the OLST co-organized the workshop Textos : dimensions culturelles, linguistiques et pragmatiques within the 79th Congrès de l’ACFAS held at Université de Sherbrooke and Bishop’s University (Organizers: Patrick Drouin and Christian Guilbault of Simon Fraser University).

To access the program (PDF version), click here.

November 4 2010
Workshop Différentes perspectives sur le traitement automatique des documents : l’indexation
OLST participated in the preparation of the workshop Différentes perspectives sur le traitement automatique des documents : l’indexation dans le cadre du Congrès des milieux documentaires du Québec (Organizers: Lyne Da Sylva, with Charles-Olivier Simard from Nstein Technologies, Eliana Coelho and Caroline Patenaude of Université de Montréal and Mirjana Martic of the Société des alcools du Québec).

To access the program (PDF format), click here.

July 19 – 23 2010
Conference Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2010)
OLST participated in the 17th conference Traitement automatique des langues naturelles (TALN 2010) held at École Polytechnique de Montréal.

To visit the TALN 2010 web site, click here.
To access the program and download the conference proceedings, click here.

July 23 2010
Atelier Défi Fouille de texte
OLST participated in the preparation of the workshop Défi Fouille de texte that took place during the TALN Conference in 2010.

To visit the DEFT 2010 web site, click here.
To access the program and download the conference proceedings, click here.

May 11 – 12 2010
Colloque Approches sémiotiques au design
A member of the OLST co-organized the workshopApproches sémiotiques au design that took place during the 78th Congrès de l’ACFAS held at Université de Montréal (Organizers : Lyne Da Sylva and Yves Marcoux de l’Université de Montréal)

To visit the web site, click here.
To access the program and download the conference proceedings, click here.

June 19 2009
International Workshop on Terminology and Lexical Semantics (TLS’09)
The OLST organized the first international workshop on terminology and lexical semantics. This workshop aims at bringing together researchers interested in linguistic approaches — especially lexico-semantic aspects — to the description of terms. The workshop took place at the Pavillon Roger-Gaudry (main building) of Université de Montréal.

To visit the MTT’09 Web site, click here
To download the MTT’09 proceedings (PDF format), click here (PDF version, 1.7 M)

June 16 – 18 2009
Fourth International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory (MTT’09)
The OLST organized the fourth MTT’09 in a series of conferences that aims at bringing together researchers working in Meaning-Text Theory and other related approaches. The conference was held from June 16 to 18, 2009 at the Pavillon Roger-Gaudry (main building) of Université de Montréal.

To visit the MTT’09 Web site, click here
To download the MTT’09 proceedings (PDF format), click here (PDF version, 7 M)

April 23 2007
Colloquium Bases de données lexicales: construction et applications (BDL-CA)
The OLST organized the BDL-CA colloquium on lexical databases. This one-day colloquium took place at the Lionel-Groulx building of the University of Montreal.

To download the colloquium proceedings (PDF format), click here.

May 13 – 14 2004
Lexicology and terminology workshop
The OLST organized a workshop entitled Les approches lexicographiques et terminologiques sont-elles compatibles? (Are lexicographic and terminological approaches compatibles?) as part of the 72th Congrès de l’ACFAS, which took place at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM) in May 2004.

Following the workshop, a collective book was published by the University Ottawa Press.
To read the book summary (in french), click here.

June 16 – 18 2003
First International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory
The OLST participated in the First International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory, which took place at École Normale Supérieure in Paris, from June 16th to June 18th 2003.