The BDéf is a formal database of lexicographic definitions fully derived from the four volumes of the Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary of Contemporary French (ECD). The BDéf has two aims. Firstly, it will make a representative subset of formal lexicographic definitions available for research in computational semantics. Secondly, building the BDéf allows us to conduct a much needed research on the internal structuring of lexical meanings and on how it should be modelized. In other words, by constructing the BDéf, we arrive at a formal metalanguage for lexicographic definitions.
- Altman J., Polguère A. (2003) La BDéf : base de définitions dérivée du Dictionnaire explicatif et combinatoire, Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Meaning Text Theory (MTT2003), Paris, p. 43-54. [PDF (72K)]
- Barque, L. (2003). Opérations sémantiques sur une base de définitions Sens-Texte, Mémoire de DEA, UFR de linguistique, Paris 7. [PDF (420KB)]
- Barque L., Polguère A. (2004) A definitional metalanguage for explanatory combinatorial lexicography. Unpublished presentation made at the International Colloquium on Word Structure and Lexical Systems: models and applications, Pavia (Italy), 16-17 December 2004. [PDF (53K)]