Call for papers

International Workshop on Terminology and Lexical Semantics (TLS’09)

Université de Montréal
Montreal (Quebec) CANADA
June 19, 2009

Call for papers

Recent work on terminology processing (corpus-based or knowledge-based terminology, computational terminology, terminography or specialized lexicography, etc.) has shown the importance of taking into account the linguistic aspects of terms as well as their conceptual aspects. Linguistic aspects are often those that must be dealt with when processing or analyzing corpora. Conceptual aspects, on the other hand, are those that terminologists must take into account when building knowledge representations in specific subject fields. The weight given to each aspect depends on the theoretical model on which a terminology project relies, its objectives or the application for which it is developed
Although conceptual and linguistic aspects of terms are recognized as being necessary, less work has been carried out on their linguistic properties and their formal representation. Which linguistic properties should be represented? Which theoretical model is better adapted to terminological needs? How can linguistic properties of terms — especially lexico-semantic aspects — be implemented in terminology applications? All these questions must be addressed and resolved when processing specialized texts and representing knowledge.
This workshop aims at bringing together researchers interested in linguistic approaches — especially lexico-semantic aspects — to the description of terms. This workshop will provide an opportunity to discuss issues of a fundamental nature (e.g., the modelling of meaning or the definition of sets of lexical relationships) as well as applied work dealing with the acquisition of lexical aspects of terms or their representation in formal structures.


– Use of lexical semantics models (e.g. Semantic Frames, Generative Lexicon, Explanatory Combinatorial Lexicology, Functional-Lexematic Model) in terminological descriptions
– Combination of concept-based and lexico-semantic approaches in terminological descriptions
– Modelling of lexical relationships (paradigmatic and syntagmatic), specialized meaning, sense distinctions, argument structure, multilingual terminological data
– Implementation of lexical descriptions of terms in terminological databases, dictionaries, ontologies and other formal knowledge representations
– Use of lexical descriptions of terms in computer applications
– Automatic or semi-automatic identification of lexical relationships, collocations and other lexical aspects of terms in specialized corpora