This is the framed version of the DiCoInfo. In the present resource, we propose a representation of the terminology of computing based on the FrameNet project (Ruppenhofer et al. 2010). Terminological units are organized and described in semantic frames.
For example, the frame Program creation describes a situation in which a programmer (Agent) develops an application (Patient) using a programming language (Material). To this frame, we relate a number of terminological units, such as to write and to program. These two units have the same number of obligatory participants (also called actants). Participants are also of the same nature.
Being a multilingual resource, you can find units in different languages such as program, écrire and كتابة .
To consult the resource, click DiCoInfo: A Framed Version.
This project is carried out at the Observatoire de Linguistique Sens-Texte of the University of Montréal. Ideas, data, conception and programming are under the responsibility of Nizar Ghazzawi, Marie-Claude L’Homme and Benoît Robichaud.