Publications by OLST members

481 entries « 10 of 10 »


Mel'čuk, Igor Aleksandrovic

Dependency syntax: theory and practice Book

SUNY press, Albany, 1988, ISBN: 978-0-88706-450-7.


Mel'čuk, Igor

Paraphrase et lexique dans la théorie linguistique Sens-Texte Book Section

In: Lexique et paraphrase, no. 6, pp. 13–54, Presses Universitaires de Lille, Lille, 1988, ISBN: 2-907170-00-7.



Mel’čuk, Igor; Polguère, Alain

A formal lexicon in meaning-text theory (or how to do lexica with words) Journal Article

In: Computational linguistics, vol. 13, pp. 261–275, 1987.


Mel'čuk, Igor; Pertsov, Nikolaj V.

Surface Syntax of English. A Formal Model within the Meaning-Text Framework Book

Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 1987.


Mel'čuk, Igor; Bakiza, Élie

Les classes nominales en kirundi Journal Article

In: Bulletin de la Société de linguistique de Paris, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 283–341, 1987.



Mel'čuk, Igor; Arbatchewsky-Jumarie, Nadia; Elnitsky, Leo; Iordanskaja, Lidija; Lessard, A.

Dictionnaire explicatif et combinatoire du français contemporain. Recherches lexico-sémantiques I Book

Presses de l'Université de Montréal, Montréal, 1984, ISBN: 2-7606-0659-7.


Iordanskaja, Lidija; Mel'čuk, Igor

Connotation en sémantique et lexicographie Book Section

In: Dictionnaire explicatif et combinatoire du français contemporain. Recherches lexico-sémantiques I, pp. 33–40, Presses de l'Université de Montréal, Montréal, 1984, ISBN: 2-7606-0659-7.


Mantha, Suzanne; Mel'čuk, Igor

Phénomènes atmosphériques dans le Dictionnaire explicatif et combinatoire du français moderne (DEC) : essai de description d'un champ lexical (neuf vocables du français) Journal Article

In: Revue québécoise de linguistique, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 271–323, 1984, ISSN: 0710-0167, 1705-4591.

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Mel'čuk, Igor; Zholkovsky, Alexander

Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary of Modern Russian Book

Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, Vienne, 1984.



Bessong, D. P. Aroga; Mel'čuk, Igor A.

Un modèle formel de la conjugaison bafia (à l'indicatif) Journal Article

In: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 477–528, 1983, ISSN: 1474-0699, 0041-977X.

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Mel'čuk, Igor

Meaning-Text Models: A Recent Trend in Soviet Linguistics Journal Article

In: Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. 10, pp. 27–62, 1981.

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Mel'čuk, Igorʹ A.

Vers un dictionnaire explicatif et combinatoire du français contemporain (études lexico-sémantiques) Book

Université de Montréal, Montréal, 1980.



Mel'čuk, Igor A.

Studies in Dependency Syntax Book

Karoma Publishers, Ann Arbor, 1979, ISBN: 978-0-89720-001-1.



Mel'čuk, Igor

Statistics and the relationship between the gender of French Nouns and their endings Book Section

In: Rozencvejg, Viktor Ju. (Ed.): Essays on Lexical Semantics, vol. 1, pp. 11–42, Skriptor, Stockholm, 1974.


Mel'čuk, Igorʹ A.

Opyt teorii lingvističeskih modelej "smysl-tekst": semantika, sintaksis Book

Nauka, Moskva, 1974.



Žolkovskij, Aleksandr Konstantinovič; Mel'čuk, Igor A.

Sur la synthèse sémantique Journal Article

In: T.A. Informations, vol. [11], no. 2, pp. 1–85, 1970.


Mel'čuk, Igor; Žolkovskij, Aleksandr

Towards a Functioning ‘Meaning-Text’ Model of Language Journal Article

In: Linguistics, no. 57, pp. 10–47, 1970.



Kulagina, Olga S.; Mel'čuk, Igor A.

Automatic translation: some theoretical aspects and the design of a translation system Book Section

In: Booth, Andrew Donald (Ed.): Machine Translation, pp. 137–171, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1967.


Žolkovskij, Aleksandr Konstantinovič; Mel'čuk, Igor A.

O semantičeskom sinteze Journal Article

In: Problemy kibernetiki, no. 19, pp. 177–238, 1967.



Kulagina, Olga S.; Mel'čuk, Igor A.

Machine Translation from French to Russian Journal Article

In: Soviet Experiments in Machine Translation (JPRS DC-68), 1958.



Mel'čuk, Igor Aleksandrovic

Dve russkie leksemy: VOZ´MI [i Y-ni] i VZJAT´2 [i Y-nut´]. — Deux lexèmes russes: VOZ´MI [i Y-ni] et VZJAT´2 [i Y-nut´] Journal Article

In: Russkij jazyk v naučnom osveščenii, vol. 2, pp. 9–25, 0000.


Tremblay, Ophélie; Plante, Isabelle; Fréchette-Simard, Catherine

Teaching Practices Regarding Dictionary Use in Elementary and High School Classrooms Journal Article

In: International Journal of Lexicography, vol. XX, pp. 1–20, 0000.

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Tremblay, Ophélie; Gagné, Andréanne

Développer la compétence lexicale des apprenant.e.s : fondements théoriques et pistes didactiques Journal Article

In: Synergies France, vol. 16, pp. 45–55, 0000.


[Sans titre] Journal Article

In: 0000.


Mel'čuk, Igor; Iomdin, Leonid

Neobyčnye russkie parnye podčinitelʹnye sojuzy (tipa NE USPEL ..., KAK... ili EDVA..., KAK...). [Quelques conjonctions subordinatives binaires russes inusuelles]. Journal Article

In: Izvestija Rossijskoj akademii nauk, vol. 80, no. 4, pp. 5–20, 0000.


Milićević, Jasmina

A Sketch of the Grammatical Voice in Serbian. Book Section

In: Lifetime Linguistic Inspirations: To Igor Mel’čuk from Colleagues and Friends for his 90th birthday, no. 101, pp. 295–308, Peter Lang, 0000.


Marshman, Elizabeth

Knowledge patterns in corpora Book Section

In: Faber, P; L'Homme, Marie-Claude (Ed.): Theoretical Perspectives on Terminology: Explaining Terms, Concepts and Specialized Knowledge, John Benjamins, 0000.


Condamines, Anne; Picton, Aurélie

Textual Terminology. Origins, principles and new challenges. Book Section

In: Faber, P; L'Homme, Marie-Claude (Ed.): Theoretical Perspectives on Terminology: Explaining terms, concepts and specialized knowledge., no. 23, John Benjamins, 0000.


Marez, Victor De; Winters, Thomas; Terryn, Ayla Rigouts

THInC: A Theory-Driven Framework for Computational Humor Detection Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the 2024 International Workshop on AI and Creativity (CREAI) @ECAI, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 0000.


Joan Casademont, Anna; Lorente Casafont, Mercè

Variación semántica y conocimiento especializado: un caso para el vocabulario de la museística Journal Article

In: Revista de Museología. Publicación científica al servicio de la comunidad museológica, no. 35, pp. 30–35, 0000.


Joan Casademont, Anna; Bach, Carme; Viladrich Castellanas, Èric

Anàlisi de necessitats formatives a partir de corpus: Càpsules didàctiques autocorrectives en línia per als estudiants de català com a llengua addicional Proceedings Article

In: BabyTaLC 2020, 0000.


481 entries « 10 of 10 »