Activities OLST

Call for papers: CompuTerm 2016 @ COLING 2016


Call for papers: Third Graduate Students Conference in Translation and Terminology (JETT) 2016

CALL FOR PROPOSALS Third Graduate Students Conference in Translation and Terminology (Troisième Journée étudiante en traduction et terminologie – JETT) Université de Montréal May 5th, 2016 Research in Translation and Terminology: Questions of Methodology The graduate students in translation and terminology are pleased to invite you to participate in their third conference in translation and […]

Activities OLST

Alain Polguère (Université de Lorraine & ATILF CRNS) at OLST

C’est avec IncepOper12 d’ACCLAMATION et MagnOper12 d’ADORATION que L’OLST accueille cette année encore le professeur Alain Polguère (Université de Lorraine & ATILF CRNS). Celui-ci donnera le séminaire du 3 février 2016 intitulé : Y a de la syntaxe dans le lexique. Qu’est-ce qu’on en fait? Mon exposé traitera de la « syntaxe intégrée dans le lexique », c’est-à-dire des […]


VocUM (English)

  VocUM is an annual, international conference organized by graduate students of the Université de Montréal, all from different fields of study relating to language. It is the only interdisciplinary conference dedicated to language in Montreal. The conference will take place at the Carrefour des arts et des sciences of the Université de Montréal (Québec, Canada) […]

Activities OLST

OLST scholarship awarded to Simon Richard

The OLST Scholarship was awarded to Simon Richard, who is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in linguistics under the supervision of François Lareau. Simon has a B.A. in linguistics and psychology, which he received in 2014. His research will focus on the development of an application that will allow users to create, visualize and test […]

Activities OLST

M. Carlos Subirats visiting the OLST October 12 to 17

The OLST is thrilled once again to welcome Mr. Carlos Subirats, Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and invited senior researcher at Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada). As a specialist of the Frame Semantics lexical framework, and especially the development of the Spanish version of FrameNet, Prof. Subirats will give a tutorial on Frame Semantics […]

Activities OLST

OLST Scholarships

Activities OLST

83th ACFAS Congress : Colloquia 328 – Étude et traitement des lexiques à vocation particulière : regards croisés

Responsable(s) Aline Francoeur Université Laval, Marie-Claude L’homme Université de Montréal See the event program here Description Le lexique d’une langue n’est pas un objet monolithique. Son étude passe par l’identification de caractéristiques particulières de mots isolés, mais aussi de regroupements de mots qu’on pourrait appeler des ensembles lexicaux. On peut les définir de différentes manières […]

Activities OLST Ressources

The DicoInfo, completely redesigned

The Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte is proud to announce the launch of a new interface to browse the entries of the DiCoInfo. The presentation of data was completely redesigned in order make it more accessible. In addition, many tooltips were added to explain the different data categories contained in entries. The new interface is […]

Activities OLST

Second Graduate Students Conference in Translation and Terminology (JETT)

CALL FOR PROPOSALS Second Graduate Students Conference in Translation and Terminology University of Montreal (Canada) April 30th, 2015 « Theory and Practice: A Marriage of Convenience? » The graduate students in translation are pleased to invite you to participate in their second conference in translation and terminology (JETT), which will take place at the Department […]