The OLST is pleased to welcome Ms. Teresa Cabré, internationally renowned researcher at the Institut Universitari Lingüística Aplicada of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). Ms. Cabré will make a talk entitled “Towards a New Strategy for Detecting and Tracking Neologisms” through seminars RALI-OLST MITACS on May 30, 2011 at 11:30 am in room C-9019 of […]
Category: Activities
Nouvelles à propos des activités de l’OLST
“La langue du texto est un code hybride. Les Québécois ont une façon bien à eux de l’utiliser. L’apparition plus récente chez nous de cet outil fait peut-être en sorte que les Québécois codifient moins leur communication que les autres francophones. Après avoir demandé à la population de donner ses textos à la science, Anne […]
M. Carlos Subirats visiting the OLST
The OLST is thrilled to welcome Mr. Carlos Subirats, Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and invited senior researcher at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) of Berkeley, CA. As a specialist of the Frame Semantics lexical framwork, and especially of the development of the Spanish version of FrameNet, Prof. Subirats will make two […]
Jean-Marcel Léard and Sébastien Marengo (CATIFQ — Université de Sherbrooke) kindly made available the slides of their presentation at the RALI-OLST MITACS workshop of Marsh 23 and entitled Pour une organisation sémantique de la grammaire : Leard_et_Marengo.pdf [260 Ko] Lecturers may be contacted at the following addresses for questions and comments: Members of […]
The OLST is pleased to announce the Doctoral Thesis Defence of Fadila Hadouche. The thesis is title “Annotation syntaxico-sémantique des actants en corpus spécialisé” and the defence will be helded March 29 at 2 PM in 3195 of the André Aisenstadt building. The jury will be the following members : Guy Lapalme (Directeur de recherche), […]
Sketch txtspk @ TV5 labofever show
A short issuing from the television show Club Social on TV5 (March 5 2011) takes us on a tour of the Texto4Science project leaded by Patrick Drouin in charge of the Canadian wing
Call for Papers
Fifth International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory (MTT ’11) 8-9 September 2011 Pompeu Fabra University Barcelona, Spain Fifth in a series, this conference aims at bringing together researchers working on MTT and its implementation in the framework of different natural language processing applications. The conference will be held in conjunction with the International Conference on Dependency […]
For the new year, Kara Warburton came to talk about: Extracting, evaluating, and preparing terminology for large translation jobs Here is the published notification: Companies that are active in global markets have demanding needs for translation services. Terminological resources enhance translation memories in order to meet those demands. Automated term extraction is the only way […]
Igor Mel’cuk kindly made available the slides of his presentation on phrasemes at RALI OLST MITACS workshop of December 15: Conf_ROM_2010-12-15_IgorMelcuk.pdf 156 Ko Here is the published notification: La communication portera sur les expressions multilexémiques toutes faites : les phrasèmes. Comment allez-vous ?, Mieux vaut tard que jamais, C’est moi qui souligne, faire attention [à […]
New event: Lexterm2010
LexTerm2010 : Lexicography & Terminology at OLST The OLST organizes a series of talks around lexicography and terminology in June: visiting scholars and researchers, doctoral researchers, resources and tools developed at the OLST. Tentative schedule: