A framed version of DiCoEnviro


A Cause, or sometimes an Agent, has an influence (that is often negative) on a Patient. The Patient can undergo changes due to this influence.

[EN] Theories concerning the climatic IMPACT of such emissions vary. (Source : ENCY)
[ES] Por último debe señalarse que la nueva Estrategia de Biodiversidad, cuyo borrador está actualmente confeccionándose, introduce dentro de sus objetivos la medida del posible IMPACTO del cambio climático en la biodiversidad . (Source : 4A_COMUN_UNFCC_ES)
[FR] l'homme INFLUE sur les processus climatiques et dérange l'équilibre naturel du système en modifiant constamment la composition de l'atmosphère et les propriétés de la surface terrestre à l'échelle régionale et mondiale. (Source : 10IPCCMODELE)
[PT] Esse aquecimento pode ter IMPACTO importante sobre a manutenção do bioma amazônico (Source : CICLOHIDROLOGICO_2007)
[ZH] 另一方面, 全球变暖 显著 影响 物种的分布 ,不少地区物种分布的“暖化”(thermophilization)现象就是明显的证据。 (Source : 31生态系统对全球变暖的响应)

This frame is based on Objective_influence in FrameNet. The number of actants vs. core FEs differs.
Click here to see associated FrameNet infos
Participants (1):
  1. Agent | Cause
  2. Patient
Participants (2):
  1. Degree (17)
  2. Manner (13)
  3. Duration (13)
  4. Descriptor (13)
  5. Method (5)
  6. Location (4)
  7. Expanse (2)
  8. Time (2)
  9. Result (1)
  10. Value (1)
  11. State (1)
Frame Relations:

See also

English LUs:

English Constructions:
  • cause an impact
  • have a consequence
  • have an effect
  • have an impact
  • have an influence
French LUs:

French Constructions:
  • avoir comme conséquence
Spanish LUs:
Portuguese LUs:
Chinese LUs: