A framed version of DiCoEnviro


An Agent that is characterized according to the activity it carries out with respect to a Patient.

[EN] Many PRODUCERS of goods and services do more than the minimum needed to comply with EU environmental legislation. (Source : 1EUROPAENV)
[FR] Les PÊCHEURS canadiens de thon rouge de l’Atlantique pêchent surtout de grands individus (> 150 cm de longueur à la fourche) qui viennent principalement de l’ouest. (Source : THON ROUGE)

This frame was defined for the DiCoEnviro.
Participants (1):
  1. Agent
  2. Patient
Participants (2):
  1. Purpose (7)
  2. Location (6)
  3. Activity (4)
  4. Origin (4)
  5. Degree (3)
  6. Expanse (2)
  7. Method (1)
Frame Relations:

Is inherited by
See also

English LUs:
French LUs: