Definition:A Patient, which is an organic substance, undergoes the natural process of decaying. Example(s):[EN] These deadwood components DECOMPOSE rather quickly under the warm and humid
conditions of tropical rain forests (Source : PANACEA 9063)[EN] Treating BIODEGRADABLE waste before it enters a landfill reduces global warming from
fugitive methane (Source : PANACEA 471)[FR] Le méthane est produit quand la matière organique SE DÉCOMPOSE dans les environnements
n'ayant pas suffisamment d'oxygène. (Source : ENCY)Notes:This frame is based on Rotting in Framenet. Click here to see associated FrameNet infos |
Participants (1): - Patient
| Participants (2): - Location (9)
- Manner (7)
- Method (5)
- Result (5)
- Condition (2)
- Cause (2)
- Time (2)
- Means (2)
- Reference (1)
- Duration (1)
- Degree (1)
| Frame Relations: 

Legend: Is causative of → Is inchoative of → Is inherited by →
| FrameNet Core-Unexpressed FEs: | FrameNet Non-Core FEs: - Degree
- Duration
- Initial_state
- Manner
- Place
- Speed
- Time
English LUs: | French LUs: |
FrameNet LUs in DiCoEnviro: | FrameNet LUs not in DiCoEnviro: - decay.n
- fester.v
- moulder.v
- perish.v
- putrefy.v
- rot.n
- rot.v
- spoil.v