Definition:A biological entity that belongs to the kingdom of animals (as opposed to that of plants).Example(s):[EN] The Palila is a highly endangered BIRD that exists only on the slopes of Mauna Kea, the highest mountain on the island of Hawaii. [FR] Les hommes, les ANIMAUX et les plantes ont besoin, un besoin vital, que le cycle de l'eau, en eux et autour d'eux,
s'accomplisse indéfiniment. (Source : SENAT 3603)[PT] A mata ciliar representa grande importância para o meio ambiente, pois abriga inúmeras espécies de ANIMAIS e
plantas, além de ser útil para a depuração dos cursos d’água em que está inserida. (Source : RECUPERACAOCONTAMINADAS_2012)[ZH] 还有些 动物 对于生长环境的温度需求是十分严苛的,珊瑚就是其中一个例子,全球暖化导致海水表面温度也随之升高,将会引起珊瑚白化。 (Source : 41暖化的科學(1)引言全球溫度)Notes:This frame is based on Animals in FrameNet.Click here to see associated FrameNet infos |