A framed version of DiCoEnviro


An Agent places a Patient in a Destination so that the Destination becomes covered with the Patient.

[EN] Tropical countries should be paid to REFOREST net land with natural vegetation , verified via satellite imagery and paid via a carbon tax from industry (Source : PANACEA26892)
[EN] AFFORESTATION or REFORESTATION of small areas may not be accounted. (Source : 14IPCCSRL)
[FR] Théoriquement, tout le monde gagne : des espaces SONT REBOISÉS , le marché fournit de nouvelles ressources pour l’amélioration de la gestion forestière, les émissions de CO2 sont réduites, les pays industrialisés ne payent pas de surcoût prohibitif. (Source : FRALOIS)
[PT] Cada vez mais, as organizações buscam recuperar ou REFLORESTAR grande parte da mata ciliar ao redor de suas instalações , isto é, quando instaladas próximas à margem de rios. (Source : PROJETODEREFLORESTAMENTO_RJ)

This frame was defined for the DiCoEnviro.
Click here to see associated FrameNet infos
Participants (1):
  1. Agent
  2. Destination
  3. Patient
Participants (2):
  1. Time (2)
  2. Manner (2)
  3. Role (1)
  4. Method (1)
  5. Degree (1)
  6. Expanse (1)
  7. Purpose (1)
Frame Relations:

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English LUs:
French LUs:
Portuguese LUs: