A framed version of DiCoEnviro


A characterization of the fact that an Instrument, A Cause or A Means is less damageable for the environment.

[EN] The Spanish supplier Iberdrola now offers TOU rates, as well the ability to subscribe to a GREEN energy electric contract for 100 percent renewable energy. (Source : EVGRIDINTEGRATION)
[FR] La politique ENVIRONNEMENTALE de l'Union européenne repose sur la conviction que la croissance économique, le progrès social et la protection de l'environnement contribuent ensemble à l'amélioration de notre qualité de vie. (Source : 1EUROPAENV)
[PT] As empresas com performance AMBIENTAL são aquelas de maior inserção internacional, uma vez que neste ambiente a sensibilização dos problemas ambientais vem implicando uma maior pressão dos acionistas, consumidores e/ou órgãos de financiamento para uma nova postura empresarial. (Source : SOCIEDADESUSTENTAVEL_1994)

This frame was defined for the DiCoEnviro.
Click here to see associated FrameNet infos
Participants (1):
  1. Instrument
  2. Cause
  3. Means
Participants (2):
    Frame Relations:

    See also

    English LUs:
    French LUs:
    Portuguese LUs: