A framed version of DiCoEnviro



[EN] Local farmers GROW substantial quantities of export crops such as coffee and cocoa , and they sell substantial quantities of other crops in local or national markets. (Source : DEFPAPUA)
[EN] Therefore, the maintenance and CULTIVATION of these types of plants constitute major economic activities for local farmers (Blanco et al., 1996, 1998). (Source : SPAIN)
[FR] D'autres milieux ont été transformés pour être mis en culture : une partie des zones humides picto-charentaises a été drainée, et des marais et prairies ont laissé place à des zones de MONOCULTURE . (Source : PANACEA 143)
[PT] Todavia, comparativamente, as microbacias II e III foram as que apresentaram os piores resultados devidos, principalmente, à prática de CULTURA anual em terras não propícias , devendo, desta forma, ser priorizadas em ações de readequação ambiental. (Source : CONFLITOTERRAS_2010)

This frame is based on Growing_food in FrameNet. The number of actants vs. core FEs differs.
Click here to see associated FrameNet infos
Participants (1):
  1. Agent
  2. Patient
  3. Destination
Participants (2):
  1. Frequency (5)
  2. Purpose (5)
  3. Method (4)
  4. Time (3)
  5. Location (3)
  6. Reason (2)
  7. Degree (1)
  8. Manner (1)
  9. Expanse (1)
  10. Environment (1)
Frame Relations:

Is subframe of

English LUs:

English Constructions:
  • intensive cropping
  • intensive cultivation
  • intensive monoculture
French LUs:

French Constructions:
  • culture intensive
  • monoculture intensive
Portuguese LUs: