A framed version of DiCoEnviro


An Agent or a Cause affects a Patient in such a way that the Patient is in poor condition.

[EN] Water quality generally would BE DEGRADED by higher water temperatures (high confidence). (Source : 3IPCCCONSEQUENCE)
[ES] La situación actual de España en materia de calidad del agua es preocupante, dada la enorme cantidad de vertidos, tanto urbanos como industriales, que DEGRADAN los recursos hídricos, afectando negativamente a los usos potenciales del agua . (Source : 4A_COMUN_UNFCC_ES)
[FR] L’utilisation irrationnelle de l’eau peut causer la DÉGRADATION , ou même parfois la stérilisation, des terres . (Source : FRAPROB)
[PT] Uma situação distinta ocorre quando o empreendedor DEGRADA a qualidade da água como consequência de seu processo produtivo. (Source : XYZ RECURSOSHIDRICOS_2000)

This frame is based on Damaging in FrameNet
Click here to see associated FrameNet infos
Participants (1):
  1. Agent | Cause
  2. Patient
Participants (2):
  1. Manner (8)
  2. Degree (4)
  3. Location (2)
  4. Result (1)
  5. Time (1)
  6. Method (1)
  7. Condition (1)
Frame Relations:

Is causative of
Is inchoative of
See also

English LUs:
French LUs:
Spanish LUs:
Portuguese LUs: