A framed version of DiCoEnviro



[EN] Low-carbon energy supply systems can make an important contribution through biomass from forestry and agricultural by-products, municipal and industrial WASTE to energy, dedicated biomass plantations, where suitable land and water are available, landfill methane, wind energy and hydropower, and through the use and lifetime extension of nuclear power plants. (Source : GREENFACTS)
[FR] Les émissions globales du secteur des déchets sont de l'ordre de 4 millions de tonnes équivalent carbone, et donc le chiffre retenu suppose que 25 % viennent de l'incinération des emballages en plastique ou de la fermentation des DÉCHETS alimentaires. (Source : JANCOVICI)

This frame was defined for the DiCoEnviro.
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  1. Agent | Cause
Participants (2):
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  2. Location (6)
  3. State (2)
  4. Activity (1)
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