An Agent or a Source discharges a Patient into a Destination.
[EN] when flourishing, forests absorb about as much carbon as theyEMIT (Source : JACLET)
[EN] AircraftsEMITgases and particles directly
into the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere . (Source : 1IPCCAVIATION)
[EN] Currently, warm tropical ocean waters brought north eastwards by this
systemRELEASEenough heatto the air to keep temperatures over
much of Europe some 10 °C warmer than land areas at similar latitudes in other parts of the Northern Hemisphere (Source : 1CANADACCD)
[FR] D' autres mesures consistent à [...] réduire les ÉMISSIONSde
méthaneen provenance des décharges (Source : CLIMATECHANGEYOUTH)
[PT] Nesse caso, a quantidade líquida de CO2EMITIDAdo solopara atmosfera , em decorrência do uso agrícola, pode ser determinada a partir da diferença dos estoques de C orgânico do solo cultivado em
relação ao solo sob vegetação natural. [ (Source : EMISSAOGAZES_2006)
This frame in based on Emitting in FrameNet. The number of actants vs. core FEs differs. There is an Agent/Source alternation.