A framed version of DiCoEnviro


A substance in gazeous form that is often found in high concentrations in the atmosphere.

[EN] Fossil fuels, which we burn to provide power and transport, are a particular culprit, releasing into the atmosphere GASES such as carbon dioxide (CO2) which warm the Earth's surface.
[FR] Bien qu'il y ait moins de MÉTHANE que de DIOXYDE DE CARBONE dans l'atmosphère, le méthane est un gaz à effet de serre qui retient plus efficacement la chaleur. (Source : 3CANADAENVIRON)
[ZH] 大气中主要的温室气体有 二氧化碳 (CO2)、 甲烷 (CH4)、一氧化二氮(N2O)、氯氟碳化物(CFCs)及臭氧(O3)。 (Source : 36气候变化的原因GovHK)

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