A framed version of DiCoEnviro


A Cause or an Agent is likely (or unlikely) to result in a harmful event befalling an Patient.

[EN] Such varied rates of migrations can effectively tear apart ecosystems, and be particularly HARMFUL to species already under stress from climate and other factors . (Source : 5CANADAICC)
[FR] Les HFC et les PFC sont uniquement examinés en tant que produits de remplacement des substances NOCIVES pour l'ozone . (Source : 5CANADAICC)
[ZH] 平流层中有90%的臭氧,吸收 对人类健康 有害紫外线 ,日常生活和工业制程中使用的人造化学品,造成臭氧层的损耗。 (Source : 86浅析全球变暖原因及其改进措施)

This Frame is based on Risky_situation in Framenet.
Click here to see associated FrameNet infos
Participants (1):
  1. Cause | Agent
  2. Patient
Participants (2):
  1. Degree (3)
  2. Expanse (1)
  3. Frequency (1)
  4. Manner (1)
Frame Relations:

Is perspectivized in
See also

English LUs:
French LUs:
Chinese LUs: