A framed version of DiCoEnviro



[EN] His famous example was that the beating of a butterfly's wings in China could lead to a CYCLONE in the Antilles a few days later . (Source : JACLET)
[FR] Parmi les catastrophes récentes, mentionnons la TORNADE particulièrement violente qui a frappé Edmonton en 1987 et fait 27 morts et 253 blessés; [...] (Source : 3CANADAENVIRON)
[ZH] 2017年8月27日前后飓风 “哈维”重创 休斯顿 ;最近“艾尔玛”飓风卷走巴哈马一片海域海水,海底裸露如戈壁一天后重现碧海。 (Source : 94全球变暖对气候的影响)

This frame was defined for the DiCoEnviro. It should be noted that FrameNet places LUs similar to these in a Weather frame. This frame needed to be created for specific events that have changed in frequency and intensity.
Click here to see associated FrameNet infos
Participants (1):
  1. Location
  2. Time
Participants (2):
  1. Degree (11)
  2. Method (2)
  3. Cause (2)
  4. Frequency (2)
  5. Duration (2)
  6. Material (1)
  7. Expanse (1)
Frame Relations:

Is subframe of

English LUs:
French LUs:
Chinese LUs: