A framed version of DiCoEnviro


The stage in which a Theme finds itself in terms of the evolution of its life, especially with respect of its ability to reproduce.

[EN] JUVENILE birds remain on their parent’s territory through the remainder of the summer and early fall. (Source : ENDANGERED_SPECIES_MISSISSIPPI_PACKET)
[FR] Les maquereaux ainsi que les harengs MATURES se nourrissent des jeunes ../../dicoEnviro/dicoEnviro-fr/adulte.xml stades de la morue (Swain et Sinclair, 2000). (Source : COTE BHERE)

This frame was defined for the DiCoEnviro
Participants (1):
  1. Theme
Participants (2):
  1. Activity (9)
  2. Characteristic (3)
  3. Part (2)
  4. Responsible (1)
Frame Relations:

Is inherited by
See also

English LUs:
French LUs: