A framed version of DiCoEnviro


Water in some solid or liquid form (the Material) falls from the sky in a particular Location and at a particular Time.

[FR] Confidence is low in projections of a small delay in the onset of the West African rainy season with an intensification of late-season RAINS . (Source : WG1AR5OV)
[FR] Bien que le modèle MCCGI indique une augmentation des PRÉCIPITATIONS moyennes sur la planète au cours du prochain siècle, il y a des variations notables d'une région à l'autre. (Source : 1CANADACCD)
[ZH] 在最劣情境( RCP8.5 )下, 21世纪末 台湾 湿季 降雨 将可能增加,南部地区较为明显而干季降雨将可能减少,中部地区较为明显。 (Source : 8臺灣氣候的過去與未來)

This frame is based on Precipitation in Framenet.
Click here to see associated FrameNet infos
Participants (1):
  1. Location
  2. Time
  3. Material
Participants (2):
  1. Degree (15)
  2. Expanse (3)
  3. Duration (3)
  4. Frequency (2)
  5. Value (1)
  6. Part (1)
  7. Cause (1)
  8. Descriptor (1)
Frame Relations:

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