An Agent or a Cause prevents a Patient from being harmed by a Threat
[EN] By PROTECTINGthe environment , the EU is not
only tackling pressing problems, but also reflecting the wishes of its citizens. (Source : 1EUROPAENV)
[EN] It is important that countries without national standards strive to adopt practices recommended in international standards in order to
PROTECTagainst the introduction of unsafe or ineffective alternatives . (Source : CHANG_4IPCCSROCSPMTS)
[ES] Conservar y mejorar los valores naturales y la biodiversidad y PROTEGERel medio
terrestre y litoraldel municipio de los posibles efectos del cambio climático . (Source : PLAN_LUCHA_CC_DONOSTIA)
[FR] L'évaluation des coûts de ces mesures doit idéalement tenir compte de la valeur globale que la société attache aux biens
et aux services auxquels elle renonce en raison du détournement de ressources pour assurer la PROTECTIONdu climat .
[PT] Ao interligar políticas ambientais e sociais, o Brasil poderia
PROTEGERuma parte considerável da floresta amazônica remanescente , melhorar as condições de vida e responder aos anseios
da população local. (Source : CAUSASDESMATAAMAZONIA_2003)