A framed version of DiCoEnviro


A bounded area with specific components used by a Theme (for living, reproducing, etc.).

[EN] The general effect of projected human-induced climate change is that the HABITATS of many species will move poleward or upward from their current locations. (Source : 2IPCCBIODIVERSITE)
[FR] Population d’une espèce donnée qui présente des caractéristiques génétiques distinctes lui permettant d’être mieux adaptée à son ENVIRONNEMENT . (Source : PR 2013 2023)
[ZH] 湿地是 许多鸟类的 栖息地 和停留地,超过80%的迁徙的鸟类都把湿地作为它们停靠的地点。 (Source : 66气候变化对湿地生态环境及生物多样性的影响)

This frame was defined for the DiCoEnviro.
Participants (1):
  1. Theme
Participants (2):
  1. Location (18)
  2. Degree (6)
  3. Time (2)
  4. Part (1)
  5. Activity (1)
  6. Environment (1)
  7. Origin (1)
  8. State (1)
Frame Relations:

Is inherited by

English LUs:
French LUs:
Chinese LUs: