A framed version of DiCoEnviro



[EN] Companies sort and RECYCLE materials in order to extract value, but those operating in EU Member States are also bound by EU rules and regulations relating to the environment. (Source : WASTE SORTING)
[ES] En las escuelas se desarrolló un proyecto modelo de educación sobre el tratamiento inicial de basuras, donde además de la separación y procesamiento de desechos sólidos, se implementaron talleres sobre el RECICLAJE y reutilización de papel . (Source : DOMINGUEZ_GUIA_CC_COOP)
[FR] Donnons ici l'exemple de Solplast, une entreprise montréalaise de RECYCLAGE des produits en plastique . (Source : KABONGO)

This frame was defined for the DiCoEnviro.
Click here to see associated FrameNet infos
Participants (1):
  1. Agent
  2. Patient
Participants (2):
  1. Location (2)
  2. Manner (2)
  3. Time (1)
  4. Method (1)
  5. Purpose (1)
  6. Degree (1)
Frame Relations:

Is subframe of

English LUs:
French LUs:
Spanish LUs: