A framed version of DiCoEnviro


A scientific taxonomic classification in which a Member is classified based on common biological characteristics it shares with others.

[EN] There is mounting evidence that small MAMMAL populations in northern Australia – a region that is considered to contain the largest area of intact tropical savanna left in the world – are in rapid decline (Woinarski et al., 2011).
[FR] Les débats sur la biodiversité et l'intensification de l'effet de serre entraînant des changements climatiques posent aussi la question de l'adaptabilité des ESPÈCES animales ou végétales . (Source : SENAT 3603)
[PT] A proposta do projeto é recuperar uma área de aproximadamente 1 hectare da APP do Córrego das Lages, através de plantios das ESPÉCIES de arbustos e árvores “facilitadoras” da sucessão vegetal. Isso irá permitir que cada espécie vegetal cumpra o seu papel no processo sucessional, conforme planta do projeto em anexo. (Source : RECOMPOSICAOFLORESTAL_MG)
[ZH] 生物多样性是指在一定的时间和区域中,所有 生物(动物、植物、微生物) 物种 及其遗传变异和生态系统的复杂性的总称。 (Source : 66气候变化对湿地生态环境及生物多样性的影响)

This frame is based on Biological_classification in FrameNet. The number of actants vs. core FEs differs.
Click here to see associated FrameNet infos
Participants (1):
  1. Member
Participants (2):
  1. Location (7)
  2. Characteristic (4)
  3. State (4)
  4. Origin (2)
  5. Descriptor (2)
  6. Activity (1)
  7. Name (1)
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