A framed version of DiCoEnviro


A Patient changes, often irregularly.

[EN] projections were made of how the climate could CHANGE in the future for different scenarios of emissions of greenhouse gases (Source : 11IPCCBILAN2001)
[ES] Como los valores futuros dependerán de cómo evolucione el ritmo de emisiones, se han realizado estimaciones sobre cómo CAMBIARÁN las emisiones, la temperatura y otros parámetros , para diferentes escenarios. (Source : CC_PROYECTO_CIUDADANIA)
[FR] Même à l'intérieur des régions, l'incidence, l'adaptabilité et la vulnérabilité pourront FLUCTUER . (Source : 3IPCCCONSEQUENCE)
[ZH] 气候 在整个地球历史中和所有时间尺度上一直在 变化 。 (Source : 15當前的氣候變化異常嗎)

This frame was defined for the DiCoEnviro.
Participants (1):
  1. Patient
Participants (2):
  1. Duration (20)
  2. Degree (19)
  3. Cause (16)
  4. Criterion (16)
  5. Location (11)
  6. Condition (10)
  7. End (6)
  8. Beginning (5)
  9. Reason (4)
  10. Frequency (4)
  11. Value (4)
  12. Manner (3)
  13. Time (2)
  14. Result (1)
  15. Reference (1)
Frame Relations:

Is causative of
Is inchoative of
Is inherited by
See also

English LUs:
French LUs:
Spanish LUs:
Chinese LUs: