A framed version of DiCoEnviro


The temperature of a Patient changes.

[EN] Although the eastern Arctic also WARMED slightly during the past 50 years , some regions within it HAVE COOLED somewhat. (Source : 6CANADAQFP)
[ES] Sin embargo, los modelos climáticos sugieren que mientras la troposfera SE CALIENTA la estratosfera se enfría. (Source : CC GLOBAL ARGENTINA)
[FR] Sur le continent arctique, le peuple Inuit est en première ligne pour observer les effets du RÉCHAUFFEMENT de la planète . (Source : NEWCOURIER2005)
[ZH] 气候 真的在 暖化 吗,证据为何? (Source : 16氣候百問(交通部中央氣象局))
[ZH] 极端天气、气温上升、海洋暖化、冰川融化,种种现象清楚证明气候变化正急速加剧, 地球 不断 升温 。 (Source : 27香港氣候變化報告2015)
[PT] Em sendo confirmada, ela apresenta significativas consequências para o desenho de ações de mitigação e de adaptação às MUDANÇAS CLIMÁTICAS globais .

This frame is based on Change_of_temperature in FrameNet. The number of actants vs. core FEs differs.
Click here to see associated FrameNet infos
Participants (1):
  1. Patient
Participants (2):
  1. Time (9)
  2. Degree (9)
  3. Value (7)
  4. Location (4)
  5. Manner (3)
  6. Duration (3)
  7. Condition (2)
  8. Cause (2)
  9. Descriptor (1)
  10. Result (1)
  11. Frequency (1)
Frame Relations:

Is causative of
Is inchoative of
Is inherited by
See also

English LUs:
French LUs:
Spanish LUs:
Portuguese LUs:
Chinese LUs: