DiCoInfo: A Framed Version


    Agent (user) activates Patient (file or icon) with Instrument (mouse) in order to execute a task


  • [ar] انقر بزر الماوس الايمن فوق الملف الاول و اختر " اعادة تسمية
  • [en] Each time you CLICK on this arrow , you will return to the next previous site that you visited.
  • [fr] Avec la souris , vous devez vous positionner sur l'option désirée et «CLIQUER» deux fois sur celle-ci .


  • This frame is based on Cause_impact in FrameNet. The number of Actants vs. Core frame elements differs.


Participants (1):

  1. Agent
  2. Patient
  3. Instrument

Participants (2):

  1. But
  2. Condition
  3. Duration
  4. Frequency
  5. Fréquence
  6. Lieu
  7. Location
  8. Manière
  9. Manner
  10. Purpose
  11. Temps

English TUs:


    Agent (user) reproduces Patient (document) with Instrument (printer)


  • [ar] من السهل ان تطبع ملفاتك في المنزل بإستعمال الطابعة المرتبطة بالحاسوب
  • [en] You PRINT your document only after it looks exactly the way you want it to.
  • [fr] Que vous désiriez IMPRIMER des pages de texte ou des photos, une imprimante de type jet d'encre vous conviendra forcément.


  • This frame is based on Duplication in FrameNet.


Participants (1):

  1. Agent
  2. Patient
  3. Instrument

Participants (2):

  1. But
  2. Departure_point
  3. Destination
  4. Environnement
  5. Instrument
  6. Lieu
  7. Location
  8. Manière
  9. Manner
  10. Means
  11. Method
  12. Moyen
  13. Méthode
  14. Time

Arabic TUs:


    Instrument (printer) reproduces a hardcopy of Patient (data or graphics)


  • [ar] تختلف طابعات الليز عن غيرها في أنها تطبع الصفحة كاملة و ليس سطرا 1 على الأقل
  • [en] Ink jets now PRINT great color photographic images and rival laser speed.
  • [fr] Plusieurs imprimantes peuvent IMPRIMER directement le format postscript.


  • This frame is defined for the DiCoInfo.


Participants (1):

  1. Instrument
  2. Patient

Participants (2):

  1. Fréquence
  2. Location
  3. Manière
  4. Manner
  5. Material
  6. Method
  7. Temps
  8. Time

English TUs:


    Agent (user) changes Patient (data) into a certain form with Instrument (software component).


  • [en] The server decrypts the information, checks the user's profile, forms and ENCRYPTS the response , and returns the response to the access device.
  • [fr] Avec AxCrypt , vous disposer de dexu méthodes pour CRYPTER des fichiers.


  • This frame is based on Encoding in FrameNet. Number of actants vs. Core FE differs.


Participants (1):

  1. Agent
  2. Patient
  3. Instrument

Participants (2):

  1. Instrument
  2. Method
  3. Méthode
  4. Purpose
  5. Result
  6. Résultat
  7. Temps

English TUs:


    Agent (user or developer) or Instrument (tool) improves the performance of Patient (application or system).


  • [ar] يتم تحسين أداء التطبيق لتسريع عملية إقلاعه
  • [fr] Sun Microsystems et d'autres éditeurs de logiciels tentent d' OPTIMISER les Machines Virtuelles Java .


  • This frame is defined for DiCoInfo.


Participants (1):

  1. Agent
  2. Patient
  3. Instrument

Participants (2):

  1. But
  2. Degré
  3. Destinataire
  4. Manière
  5. Méthode
  6. Objectif
  7. Reference
  8. Résultat

French TUs:


    Instrument (program) checks Patient (system or computer) for errors or viruses


  • [ar] يفحص البيوس كل اتصالات أجهزتك و يحدد مكان كل أدواتك
  • [fr] Il est donc bon de lancer ensuite le programme Scandisk qui va ANALYSER et réparer les dégâts .


  • This frame is based on Inspecting in FrameNet. The number of actants vs. FEs differs.


Participants (1):

  1. Agent
  2. Instrument
  3. Patient

Participants (2):

  1. But
  2. Degré
  3. Lieu
  4. Manière
  5. Moyen
  6. Méthode
  7. Source
  8. Temps


    Destination (data) is being preserved from Threat (virus) with an Instrument (password).


  • [ar] لحماية النظام من هذه الاخطار يتم اعتماد اليات منها : جدران النار Firewalls



Participants (1):

  1. Destination
  2. Menace
  3. Instrument

Participants (2):

    Arabic TUs:


      Agent (user) seraches for Patient (information) over the web with Instrument (browser)


    • [ar] عند تشغيل مقطع ڤيديو معين في موقع يوتيوب فإن المستخدم وفي حال كان يتصفح موقعاً آخر ، لن يكون بمقدوره مشاهدة الڤيديو
    • [en] "General purpose" means that you can do many different things with a PC. You can use it to type documents, send e-mail, BROWSE the Internet and play games.
    • [fr] Marc Andreessen crée Mosaic, un logiciel particulièrement convivial permettant de NAVIGUER sur le Web (et d'accéder aux autres fonctionnalités d'Internet).


    • This frame is based on Scrutiny in FrameNet. The number of actants vs. FEs differs.


    Participants (1):

    1. Agent
    2. Location
    3. Instrument

    Participants (2):

    1. But
    2. Manière
    3. Method
    4. Moyen
    5. Méthode
    6. Point_de_départ
    7. Purpose
    8. Time

    English TUs:


      Agent (user) dispatches Patient (message) to Destination (user) via Instrument (e-mail).


    • [ar] اثناء استخدام " البريد البعيد ", يمكنك انشاء رسائل و ارسالها الى " علبة الصادر " في اي وقت , و ارسال و تلقى الرسائل عند الاتصال بعلبة البريد
    • [en] This means that when someone SENDS you a DOC file by email , it may be more than just a data file.


    • This frame is based on Sending in FrameNet. The number of actants vs. FEs differs.


    Participants (1):

    1. Agent
    2. Patient
    3. Destination
    4. Instrument

    Participants (2):

    1. Frequency
    2. Location
    3. Manner
    4. Means
    5. Path
    6. Source

    Arabic TUs:

    English TUs:


      Agent (user) creates Patient (document) with Instrument (input device)


    • [en] SHIFT KEY - Use the shift keys to TYPE capital letters and to type the upper character on keys with two characters on them
    • [fr] C'est lui qui dirige tout, aussi bien lorsqu' on TAPE une lettre sur le clavier ou bien qu'on navigue sur Internet.


    • This frame is based on Text_creation in FrameNet


    Participants (1):

    1. Agent
    2. Patient
    3. Instrument

    Participants (2):

    1. But
    2. Destinataire
    3. Etendue
    4. Fréquence
    5. Lieu
    6. Location
    7. Manière
    8. Manner
    9. Method
    10. Purpose
    11. Time

    English TUs:


      Agent (user) makes changes to Patient (document) with Instrument (editor).


    • [ar] يمكنك بعد حفظ الفيديو استخدام اى من التطبيقات البسيطة فى تحرير الفيديو او مشاركة الفيديو.
    • [en] you may EDIT the current page in the HTML editorof your choice.
    • [fr] Pour ÉDITER un fichier avec vi , il suffit de passer le nom de ce fichier en ligne de commande : [...]


    • This frame is defined for DiCoInfo.


    Participants (1):

    1. Agent
    2. Patient
    3. Instrument

    Participants (2):

    1. But
    2. Condition
    3. Destinataire
    4. Fréquence
    5. Instrument
    6. Lieu
    7. Location
    8. Manière
    9. Manner
    10. Moyen
    11. Méthode

    Arabic TUs:

    English TUs: