DiCoInfo: A Framed Version


    Agent (developer) conceives Patient (program) in manipulating programming elements.


  • [ar] موزيلا تطور نموذج لأول حاسب لوحي مزود بنظام “ فايرفوكس
  • [en] So if you want to DEVELOP a software that will be used in the Internet, your program must be able to speak the TCP/IP language so that it will be able to operate properly in this environment.
  • [fr] La suite office a été DÉVELOPPÉE par la compagnie Microsoft


  • This frame is based on Product_development in FrameNet


Participants (1):

  1. Agent
  2. Patient

Participants (2):

  1. But
  2. Cause
  3. Environnement
  4. Instrument
  5. Lieu
  6. Manière
  7. Manner
  8. Matériau
  9. Means
  10. Method
  11. Moyen
  12. Méthode
  13. Recipient
  14. Temps