above (adv)
Sens 1 : at or to a higher point;
overhead. [source : OAL]
Contextes :
- At a take-up speed above 9.8m/s, the dichroic ratio was found to increase to
0.91 and 0.88 at 11.0m/s and 12.3m/s take-up speeds, respectively.
- The first description of the fission process given by Bohr and Wheeler [1] was
based on a statistical approach according to which fission is governed by the available
phase space above the fission barrier.
- The 1915 photograph of the Colorado Supply Company, Figure 6H, in Berwind shows
a sign advertising Selz shoes hanging above the entrance.
Sens 2 : earlier or further back (in a book, an
article etc.). [source : OAL]
Contextes :
- Remark 19. The polymorphism introduced above is essentially shallow
- All of the arguments specified above clearly support my assertion that we can
understand international cooperation as contractual relationships.
- A major problem with the above research is that no measure of CP AP usage is
reported, so it is impossible to know to what extent responses to any or all of the
three components of the SEMSA predicts actual adherence.