acquisition (nom)
Sens 1 : the action of obtaining or getting for
oneself, or by one's own exertion. [source : OX]
Contextes :
- So they enrolled the power of eminent domain to complete property
acquisitions, resulting in relocation obligations as required under state
redevelopment law.
- In contrast, the French army had commenced antiaircraft trials in 1906
and had experimented with mobile guns as early as 1910; however, the French
army's willingness to experiment was not reflected in a corresponding outlay
of funds for the acquisition of air defense weapons.
- Solent maritime relations in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC It is now
evident that, prior to Caesar's expeditionary landing in Kent in 55 BC, the
Isle of Wight was already involved in the acquisition of Roman luxury goods
from Gaul.
Sens 2 : a thing acquired or gained; a gain or
acquirement. [source : OX]
Contextes :
- If we take a closer look at the consumer choice framework, the
systemic model as suggested by Spencer-Wood (1987:9) explains "why types of
goods of differing quality or price were selected for acquisition and
archaeological deposition by different cultural subgroups in a market
- For instance, Kyllonen and Stephens (1990) found that working memory
capacity predicted knowledge acquisition in a complex learning
- It is not sufficient that legislation establishes rights (through
substantive provisions) or means for acquiring such rights (through
procedural provisions) acquisition of rights, regardless of the means of
acquisition, must be guaranteed through efficient channels of justice
controlled by a solid authority capable of protecting the rights against
violation or abuse.