We adapt these algorithms to work and yield accurate estimates even
with imprecise and/or incomplete information.
182 To some, it may be a question of the need to adapt and develop the
traditional understanding of international law, 183 while others see the
problem as much more of a structural contradiction between the parent
discipline of international law and its awkward human rights
These calculations suggested that persistence is a strategy used by
bacterial populations to adapt to fluctuating environments.
Social and political problems were rarely discussed, and attempts to
understand how humans adapted to mountain environments focused on models and
diagrams using a systems approach rather than on detailed studies of human
interactions with their environment (Hewitt 1988).
Greenfield and Subrahmanyam (2003) described how chat room
participants adapted their behavior to meet the demands of the
Yet another speculated on the causes of the relative infrequency of
left-handedness: I have not adapted to the right hand use of the numeric
keypad ... .I am left handed.
adaptation (nom)
Sens 1 :the action or process of adapting or being adapted.[source : D'après OAL]