The specific aim of the research is to examine key participants'
experience of the jury system and in particular, to examine their confidence
in the jury system.
This happens in more formal settings when police (or other state
workers, such as postal workers) commend them for holding the community
together with the directed aim of encouraging them to be
However, as for any polymerization reaction, control of the glycerol
polymerization with the aim of selectively producing one desired oligomer
remains an important scientific challenge.
aim (verbe)
Sens 1 :to direct toward or intend for a particular
goal or group.[source : AHD]
His blunt and critical dispatches throughout the campaign were aimed
directly at the Indian government's uninformed planning.
Other systems under development are aimed at specific access
modalities, such as percutaneous needle puncture and transurethral prostate
The Empowering Democracy workshop required only a nominal registration
fee, but both the Green Mountain Summit and BSR conference had hefty
registration fees since they were aimed at investment professionals and
corporate executives.