Résultats anglais
dual (adj)
Sens 1 : having two parts or aspects; double. [source : OAL]
gradual (adj)
Sens 1 : taking place by a series of small changes over a long period; not
sudden. [source : OAL]
gradually (adv)
Sens 1 : slowly and in small stages or amounts. [source : MAC]
individual (adj)
Sens 1 : a) existing as a separate indivisible entity; numerically one, single.
b) single, as distinct from others of the same kind; particular, special. [source : OED]
individual (nom)
Sens 1 : a particular being or thing as distinguished from a class, species, or
collection: as a single human being as contrasted with a social group or institution, a single
organism as distinguished from a group. [source : MW]
Sens 2 : a particular person. [source : MW]
Sens 3 : an indivisible entity. [source : MW]
individually (adv)
Sens 1 : separately, rather than as a group. [source : OAAD]
residual (adj)
Sens 1 : left over as a residue; remaining. [source : OAL]