Résultats anglais
form (nom)
Sens 1 : an outward physical appearance of somebody or something; shape. [source : OAL]
Sens 2 : (of sth) a specific type or arrangement or structure of something; manner in
which something exists or appears; kind or variety. [source : D'après OAL]
Sens 3 : a particular mode in which something is manifested. [source : WN]
form (verbe)
Sens 1 : to produce something in a particular way or make it have a particular shape. [source : OAAD]
Sens 2 : to have a particular function or pattern. [source : OAAD]
Sens 3 : to have an influence on the way that something develops. [source : OAAD]
Sens 4 : to make something by combining two or more parts. [source : LG]
Sens 5 : to serve to make up or constitute, to be an essential or basic element of. [source : D'après MW]
formal (adj)
Sens 1 : done or carried out in accordance with established or prescribed rules. [source : ENC]
Sens 2 : done in an organized and precise manner. [source : ENC]
Sens 3 : relating to the form or structure of something such as a piece of writing, art, or music. [source : MAC]
formally (adv)
Sens 1 : officially (≠ informally). [source : LG]