Résultats anglais
precise (adj)
Sens 1 : stated clearly and accurately. [source : OAL]
Sens 2 : exact; particular. [source : OAL]
precisely (adv)
Sens 1 : exactly. [source : OAAD]
Sens 2 : accurately; carefully. [source : OAAD]
Sens 3 : used to emphasize that something is very true or obvious. [source : OAAD]
precision (nom)
Sens 1 : an instance of exactness or preciseness; a particular, nicety, minute detail, esp. of language. [source : OED]
Sens 2 : the fact, condition, or quality of being precise; exactness, accuracy. [source : OED]
Sens 3 : the degree of refinement in a measurement, calculation, or
specification, esp. as represented by the number of digits given. Contrasted with accuracy (the closeness of the measurement, etc.,
to the correct value). [source : OED]