accurate (adj)
Sens 1 : free from error. [source : OAL]
Contextes :
- Condition checklists of this sort are widely used in population based
health surveys and have been shown to yield more complete and accurate
reports than estimates derived from responses to open-ended questions
(Knight et al. 2001).
- Since such defects in the DNA can result in genomic instability that
may lead to human diseases like cancer and premature aging, prompt repair
and accurate replication of DNA is very important.
- Though the paper maintained a network of contacts, foreign newspapers,
military officers, and official dispatches, it needed more immediate and
accurate reporting.
Sens 2 : careful and exact. [source : OAL]
Contextes :
- Finally, forecasting analysis is the integration of the budget
analysis and product style analysis outcome as input to the exponential
smoothing model to provide more reliable and accurate forecasts.
- The result is a complex system which requires both a timely and
accurate understanding by MADA of field water requirements and adequate
field-to-field cooperation by the farmers.
- However, measurements on a macroscopic number of cells are a more
accurate method to measure the population averaged phenotype growth rates
and transition rates between phenotypes in terms of our model.