Activities OLST

M. Carlos Subirats visiting the OLST

The OLST is thrilled to welcome Mr. Carlos Subirats, Professor at the Universitat Autònoma
de Barcelona
and invited senior researcher at the International Computer Science Institute
of Berkeley, CA.

As a specialist of the Frame Semantics lexical framwork, and especially of the development
of the Spanish version of FrameNet, Prof. Subirats will make two talks during his stay :

  1. Within the OLST-RALI-MITACS workshops:
    “Spanish FrameNet and its applications to NLP”
    Wednesday May 4 2011 – 11h30 am,
    Room C-9019, Lionel-Groulx Building
  2. Within an extraordinary workshop :
    Tutorial on annotation according to the FrameNet methology
    Thursday May 5 2011 – 10 am,
    Room C-9019, Lionel-Groulx Building