OLST Publications

Just published: Identification et modélisation lexicographique des dépendances syntaxiques régies du français: le cas des dépendances nominales

A new publication in linguistics by Évelyne Arbour Barbaud, student researcher at the OLST:

This research focuses on the interface between lexical semantics and syntax, and is part of the lexical database project called DiCo (acronym for Dictionnaire de combinatoire) at the Observatoire de Linguistique Sens-Texte [OLST] at the University of Montreal. The project aims to register in a concise and complete way the typical syntactic behavior of each lexical unit directly in the dictionary. To this end, we encode the co-occurrence of the DiCo’s nominal lexical units with their actants within a government pattern (also known as valency structure, subcategorization frame, predicate-argument structure, etc.), using, among other things, the surface syntactic dependencies involved. In this dissertation, we present the syntactic properties of a French nominal dependency, the one that we named attributive adnominale, so as to expose a methodology for the identification and the characterization of surface syntactic dependencies. We also give the list of valence-controlled nominal dependencies that were identified in our work. Subsequently, we describe the creation of a database of generalized French government patterns named CARNAVAL. Finally, we discuss possible applications of our work, particularly in regard to the creation of a typology of French government patterns.