Activities OLST Thesis Defenses

Doctoral Thesis Defence of Annaïch Le Serrec

The OLST is pleased to announce the doctoral thesis defence of Annaïch Le Serrec

The title of the thesis is “Analyse comparative des équivalents terminologiques en corpus parallèle et en corpus comparable :
application au domaine du changement climatique” (Comparative analysis of terminological equivalents in parallel and comparable
corpora: application to the domain of climate change). The defence will be held November 15 at 10:00 AM in room C-2059 of the
Lionel-Groulx building. Members of the jury are : Patrick Drouin (President of the jury), Marie-Claude L’Homme (Supervisor),
Louise Dagenais (Jury Member), and Lyne Bowker (External Examiner, Professor at the at the School of Translation and
Interpretation of the University of Ottawa).