Activities OLST OLST-RALI Seminars

M. Carlos Subirats visiting the OLST

The OLST is again thrilled to welcome Mr. Carlos Subirats, Professor at the Universitat Autònoma
de Barcelona
and invited senior researcher at the Simon-Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada).

As a specialist of the Frame Semantics lexical framework, and especially of the development
of the Spanish version of FrameNet, Prof. Subirats will give two talks during his stay:

—————— Wednesday June 5 2013 – 11h30 am ——————–

An OLST-RALI seminar:
“Frame semantics, discourse, and metaphors”

Wednesday June 5 2013 – 11h30 am,
Room C-9019, Lionel-Groulx Building

In this talk, I will demonstrate how Frame Semantics can be applied to studying the
rhetorical structure of discourse (Subirats, Ellsworth, and Taboada, in preparation).
In particular, I will show how a “rhetorical relation” between sentences, such as
reason or evidence, can be described as a coreference relation between the sentence
that instantiates the rhetorical relation and an indefinite null instantiation (INI)
of a non-core frame element evoked by a lexical unit (LU) in the earlier sentence.
In other words, a rhetorical relationship can be specified by identifying the anaphoric
relationship between a sentence and an INI evoked by an LU in another sentence.
This talk will also cover the relationship between semantic frames and metaphor.
Analyzing a conceptual metaphor as a mapping between two frames, instead of a mapping
between two “domains”, allows us to explain more precisely how the new metaphorical
meaning emerges. I will show how defining implicational relationships between the
frames in a given source domain allows us to predict whether those frames can participate
in particular metaphorical mapping relations (Subirats and Ellsworth, in preparation;
Subirats, in press).

References : Subirats, Carlos. (In press). Frames, constructions, and metaphors in Spanish
FrameNet. In I. Verdaguer, N. J. Laso, and D. Salazar, eds. Biomedical English:
A corpus-based approach. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

——————- Thursday June 6 2013 – 10 am ——————–

Tutorial on the methodology for discovering and describing semantic frames

Thursday June 6 2013 – 10 am
Room C-9019, Lionel-Groulx Building