OLST Publications

Just published: De FrameNet à la Théorie Sens-Texte : Conversion et correspondance. (Master Thesis)

Corriveau, Hubert (2021) De FrameNet à la Théorie Sens-Texte : Conversion et correspondance. Master Thesis.
Département de linguistique et de traduction, Université de Montréal. [PDF (1,4Mb)].

This project is divided in two main parts. Firstly, a method allowing for an automatic conversion of FrameNet’s Frame Semantics-based text annotations into semantic representations, according to the Meaning-Text Theory framework, will be presented. This method will lead to an increased set of data usable to develop and improve various Meaning-Text Theory-based projects, including GenDR, a text realizer. Secondly, the conversion task will be used to do a comparative analysis of the two frameworks. We will conclude that the two frameworks are not incompatible, but differ in their granularity and goals. We will also draw parallels between the lexical functions and frame-to-frame relationships, and make some suggestions regarding changes to the frameworks in order to enrich them.

Keywords : Semantics, Frame semantics, Meaning-Text theory, NLG, Actants.