A framed version of DiCoEnviro


An Agent attempts to catch a Patient in water with an Instrument for the purpose of using the Patient as a consumer product.

[EN] In particular, Decree 40-2005 makes provisions for regulating the FISHING of tuna and other highly migratory fish species , while the relevant Central American regulations (OSPESCA) and regulations adopted by the WTO are adopted and implemented at the national level. (Source : faofisheriesmanagementperformance)
[FR] Ainsi, des captures accessoires de thon rouge peuvent se produire dans la pêche des grands poissons pélagiques à la palangre, mais il faut savoir que la flottille de pêche à la palangre pélagique est aussi autorisée à PÊCHER au harpon et à la ligne de traîne . (Source : Thon_rouge)

This frame was defined for the DiCoEnviro.
Click here to see associated FrameNet infos
Participants (1):
  1. Agent
  2. Patient
  3. Instrument
Participants (2):
  1. Location (9)
  2. Purpose (7)
  3. Method (6)
  4. Degree (2)
  5. Criterion (1)
  6. Environment (1)
  7. Expanse (1)
  8. Time (1)
  9. Manner (1)
Frame Relations:

Is subframe of

English LUs:
French LUs: